Landscape and nature photography from around the world

Wheel thrown and hand-built ceramic pottery
Coming Soon

Over the years I've found myself exploring the wild and scenic rivers of Northern California, and have come to feel a deep connection and appreciation to these cool waters. For 2023, I will be donating 15% of the sale of all the images in my RIVERS Collection to the Smith River Alliance. Their efforts in watershed protection, monitoring and conservation have been instrumental in the preservation of the Smith River Watershed, and will be continuing their efforts to protect this special area from the threat of two proposed nickel mines. For more information on their efforts, please visit their website, or check out this video on YouTube.
New for 2023, I've added 11 Fall images to my RIVERS collection that were created during 2022. They feature images from the Klamath, Smith and Trinity Rivers, along with some of their tributaries. Each image is offered in a single size, between 11.5-12.5" long by 6.3" tall. Each is printed to the same high standard of quality as my other images, and is offered in a limited edition of 20 for 2023.
Included in my RIVERS collection are all other river or creek related images created in Northern California, 2013-2022. Many of these are among my favorite images, and are offered as available from their original print editions, 2020-2022.